In the famous upper room discourse before Jesus would be betrayed Jesus models perfectly what true leadership was and is.

He was God incarnate, yet He humbled Himself and served His disciples in a service that was saved for the lowliest of slaves. To wash the feet of His disciples was a sign of amazing humility. Even to this day is the middle east the feet have a grotesque place in the culture as one of the worst insults you can give them is to show the sole of your foot.
And I love Peter's typical response in John 13:8, "Don't wash my feet!" Peter said this because one with such authority and status should never do this. Jesus is teaching him that if you cannot serve in the lowliest service than you cannot serve my sheep. Now look at his second response in verse 9, "Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!"
When Jesus calls you to be humbled in whatever task He has called you, is your response like Peter's first or second?
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