This morning is my 31st birthday and I was pa-rousing my ever changing Facebook page, as it seems the are revamping something regularly. While doing this, I saw a quote that I had
I fell in love with posted to my page quite a while ago. I began to reflect on the quote itself and the implications of it. The quote is from Mark Driscoll, "My life goals? Worship one God! Love one woman! Lead one family! Serve one church! Preach one gospel! Then die and hang out with Jesus!"

In our society we are enamored by the American Dream and setting goals for financial growth throughout our lives, as well as other areas. Yet, this falls completely short of a biblical goal for life. The implications of this quote are stunning. Our life goals must begin with the worship of Almighty God. This worship overflows to how we respond and love our spouse and our children. If we are truly worshipping God with our lives we will be focused on growing in relationship with Him, and doing so according to His ordained path, through His church. Being part of a local assembly of believers where we can be held accountable before God and to each other as we are conformed into the image of Christ. Then, when we are growing in grace and in the knowledge of Christ, we will be compelled to preach the gospel and make disciples, fulfilling Christ's command. When we have fulfilled this goal, the hope and joy of being separated from this sinful, fallen world and being able to "hang out"or fellowship intimately with my Savior face to face.
What are you life goals? Mine? "Worship one God! Love one woman! Lead one family! Serve one church! Preach one gospel! Then die and hang out with Jesus!"
Awesome. Thanks for sharing. That's my goal as well.Melvin